Tag Archive: Energy

I have the power!

First up I’ll begin by telling you of a great thing that happened to me a few months back. I’ve been meaning to actually write about it but it sort of escaped me amongst all the ramblings about Auto – Tune, Aliens, and Bill Hicks.

So a few months back I had just finished shooting a viral video with my mate, it’s still in the editing process and we’re also waiting on a sound mix, anyway that night my bed was up against the wall in a spot in the room that it has never occupied before. This was on account of us using my bedroom as the primary shooting location before finishing up at the green screen studio. So that evening I went and had a couple of beers with mates and watched the footy at the local before going back home and sleeping it off. Nothing like a sleep knowing that you haven’t got work the next day…actually I have one of those tonight after six straight days of the freezer box.

Now what made this night sleep different from all the others is that at those times when I usually begin to feel like I’m crossing over – wait! If you’re new to this blog you probably have no idea what I’m on about.

Okay read this first – http://damascusvanmartins.com/2010/06/01/why-am-i-astral-projecting/

All right now we’re ready to proceed, like I was saying most nights in a sort of bi monthly fashion I get this sensation of total vibration right before the point I fall asleep. Essentially it’s an intense pulling feeling like my body or at least my soul is being pulled out, it’s not scary just bizarre, it’s very intense in the way a vibration is when you would be working out on a vibrogym.

In the last four years since my first experience with this sensation the overwhelming desire has been to fight it solely because I just want to get some sleep. Yet for some reason I finally gave in and like Robert Monroe said when it happened to him, “If it kills me it kills me.” Well I’m here writing this and obviously nothing has happened…not yet anyway. Funnily enough the sensation has only ever come back once and I’ve let it pass through me again but have experienced no other sensations or results such as the documented OBE’s that apparently follow it.

Hey maybe it may happen tonight, like chicken tonight?

So that’s it, thought I’d share that with you seeing as that I spent a whole blog post on the topic, I see it as very important that we somehow find a way as a species to travel to other plains because I believe that’s where a lot of the answers lie. Both in the future and also in regards to history. Actually a good bit of advice I heard from a zonked out club owner who had fried his brain to that of the consistency of a burnt frittata was this, “You have to trip.” Damn f –ing strait, that’s where all the good stuff lies.

Well with that bit of news relayed, which I’m sure, is going to interest not one person I can now address the topic, which I had originally planned to open and close with.

The power!

What is the power? Do you have it? Do I have it? What does it look like? Can I get some? Am I talking crap?

For safety’s sake let’s just answer yes to all of the above. What I’m alluding to is the energy that runs through you, your voltage and how it effects your chances of living a full life. I’ve more than likely touched on this before when talking about diet and how food should be viewed as a fuel source and really nothing else. It’s bizarre because I think with the advent of shows such as MasterChef and Ramsay’s kitchen nightmares among others food it getting this almost spiritual like reverence amongst the public. This I have no problem with, my beef lies with the type of food getting the attention. I don’t care how accomplished the chef is who cooked it, it can be Ferran Adria or the guy in Axpe, Spain who just grills everything…Victor Arguinzoniz… I think that’s his name.

These guys and most other Michelin star chefs are talented mother f –ers, no doubt about it. But to be honest to hold such food up on a pedastool when it really isn’t contributing to your life force is the wrong way to go. Actually the only person who is even getting close is Jamie Oliver with his current crusade of trying to get people to eat as sensibly as possible. Now let me back track as I’ve gone off topic a bit.

Don’t get me wrong I would love to eat from the kitchens of those geniuses everyday but I know that what the body requires is something a little simpler, a little more basic and a hell of a lot less touched. What we require are raw foods and their juice and it’s this stuff that perpetuates the life force, the energy, the power that allows humans to operate a sixteen hour day without getting tired, that would create a working digestion system that wouldn’t produce any gas, that would not get cold when the temperature drops below ten degrees Celsius.

I actually sleep with my heater off, my window open and just a pair of boxer shorts in the middle of winter, if your body can’t create it’s own heat then there is something fundamentally wrong with it.

If you notice people who get things done they all have one thing in common, it’s an energy, a never ending supply of movement and kineticism. Their body only goes to sleep because everyone else is and they have nobody to talk to. To be honest I’m writing this at 11:45 at night, and if it weren’t this it would have been a screenplay. I’ve had work, been to the gym and cooked dinner and the only reason I’m going to go to bed is because I want to leave some stuff to do for my day off tomorrow. I’ve been up since 7am and right now all my friends and even the people in my house are asleep or have been for at least the past hour or so.
How do I explain it? Simple the life force that flows within me is getting fed, getting fed the right sustenance that allows it to keep burning without hitting a hurdle – a massive steak, a hambuger, a mountain of pasta, a slab of desert after dinner, these are all hurdles to your body maintaining a proper working life force.

I am no different to anyone else, actually I’m dumber, slower and uglier than the average guy but I have enough foresight to realize that if I want to burn rings around everyone else in terms of productivity and getting things achieved, well I better give myself he best advantage possible.
Seriously I’m not f – ing tired and most people who do my job during the day go home and sleep! So think about it, a person like you reading this, if only you gave your body the chance to work at its optimum efficiency who knows what you could achieve. But if you’re feeding it crap and complaining there are not enough hours in the day because you find yourself asleep by 9:30 then I suggest you take a good look at what’s inside your fridge.

Once again I have gotten on to a topic that has turned into a rant, I’m sorry but the potential in every human being is there but we’re just too f – ing stupid to realize it.

Anyway have a good weekend, I know I will because I have three days off starting Saturday night and I’m going to have a belter – GO CATS!

And please, someone, please comment.

You’re going to have to bear with  me on this post because I’m  feeling pretty wired tonight and  the synapses upstairs are working  thick and fast. Having said that I  whole-heartedly stand by my  statement for two reasons. 1) I  never got the privilege of eating  the coveted “roll up” when I was a  child at school. 2) It was an  Italian thing, my parents didn’t  trust something that had a colour  and shape that didn’t represent  anything of this earth.

Let me back track a few steps and provide an origin story of the roll up, this will segway into enzyme rich foods, food additives, why I have a stupid amount of energy and why constipation is the number one cause of general crankiness in people. To be honest our evolution depends on it, and will only manifest when we learn the benefits of a diet that can clarify the mind.

But back to the aforementioned roll up. Back in the early 90’s when Jeremy Jordan and his hit song “The right kind of love” was dominating the airwaves something of an event happened to most of the kids and their school recesses. It was called the “Roll Up.” Now I know in the US this hit lunch boxes at around 1980 but in Australia we are ten years behind on the important stuff so it came to us in the 90’s along with the answer to who shot JR. Simply put this new found flat shaped, pectin-based fruit-flavored candy was an instant hit and when I mean instant I mean I spent my recess time begging the Aussie kids for a bite. How could you not, I mean did you see the colours! Did you see its shape! It was flat! No food on earth at that time was flat! Except for mountain bread, and to be rocking around with that in grade 2 would of just been powerfully uncool or very Lebanese of me or both and I was neither.

So as time passed I got my hands on a few, they tasted nice, they tasted sweet, it was as close to an orgasm an eight year old was ever going to get, but by no means did it ever taste like fruit. Manufactured by Uncle Toby’s down under, in the US they were made by General Mills. A consortium that owns other consortiums and then makes them do things – like make fruit flat. I wonder if Illinois Congressman Robert Smith back in 1856 had any idea that he would change the recess food landscape almost 150 years later – you know my eight year old self would have saluted him and the makers of fruit loops – I haven’t touched a fruit loop for almost 7 years now, partly because they shoot through me like a shopping centre food court Indian curry, yet I still keep going back!

Now here in lies the fun part, let us brake down a roll up into it’s components.

1)    It’s flat.

2)    It’s comes in an variety of colours that are consistent with the fruit’s flavour it’s trying to mimic.

3)    It comes rolled up and given it’s use by date the thing can last over a year and cover up rough holes and stuff.  Rumor has it NASA patched up the Endeavour STS-49 space shuttle back in 92 using the raspberry ones.

None of these things scream natural to me, even when they claim to put 40 percent more fruit juice the fact of the matter is the thing still contains ingredients that have to be described by numbers because they are synthesized in a lab and haven’t come up with a name for them yet. I don’t remember going out to the back yard to my (368) tree and picking a couple of ripe (368’s) to make a delicious (368) cake, yes I make cakes, they’re delicious, but that’s not the point. The point is these things still litter the supermarkets and still sell in large quantities to lazy parents who have no dramas killing their kids. It’s not an if or a but, it’s a fact. You are feeding your child a synthesized sheet of electric blue plastic.

Now compare that to what my uncle made almost 15 years ago, smashed fruit, pureed in a blender then spread over flat inside a home fruit dryer. You know what came out? A brown turd looking roll up cigar that tasted like what it was made of – fruit. I kid you not he basically fished this thing out of a public toilet but the thing that surprised me the most was it’s shelf life. It had none, I mean it was edible but you had to eat it right away or the damn thing went rock hard. That’s what fruit does, it goes bad because that’s its job, it replenishes that from which it once came from – the earth.

Now what I notice as a person desperately trying to go vegetarian is this. The more raw foods I eat, the more food of this earth that I ingest the more energy I have. It’s a simple matter that when I’m on set or at work the people who hit the wall at 4pm are the ones who have half a kilo of lasagna in their lower intestine that has to be digested. That takes work, it takes enzymes, it takes energy. Now I love lasagna but I’m smart enough to know that eating that shit while I still have eight hours of work left is going to put me to sleep. Simple fact your body has no idea what it’s doing, it’s only objective is to negotiate the lasagna and get it digested. If that takes three quarters of your energy and half of your allocated enzymes for the day then so be it. You’ll be looking 85 in no time and be asleep by 4:30 pm, and that’s a fact.

Yet what astounds me is that people are actually aware of this yet continue down the path. They see it in their eyes, they smell it in their breath and they witness it attacking their complexion. Our surface, especially our face is a reflection of what’s going on inside, and I can tell you most of us are putrefying from the inside out. Your body is giving you a visual warning that all is not right beneath the surface.

Wow I’m getting preachy, well f*#@ it, it’s a matter of getting everyone to a basic functioning standard. I can already see my mates holding their left temple knowing somewhere, somehow I’m spouting this crap, I think they just block it out after all these years. But time will tell as it always does and the number usually rounds out at about 50. I’ve heard stories about mates mates who only eat potato and drink coke, don’t eat fruit or only have juice as their source of natural roughage – don’t get me started on supermarket juice, it’s sugar and water in a f—ing bottle.

Then I’ll tell you a story that will shrink your balls to the size of raisins.”

– Notting Hill

I once heard about a friend of a friend I used to work with at a factory. Long  story short this mate of a mate of his had a food intake that consisted  entirely of potato, meat, coke and chocolate bars. Years later he found  himself with his bare ass in the air on a medical gurney with a hoard of  doctors slamming a five-foot, steel rock chisel up his anus. Why? Oh, I’ll  tell you why. What happened is simple, his body shut down, just like that,  and soon enough your body is telling you f*&% it! I’ve had enough, how am  I supposed to function with the limited resources you feed me, in fact it’s a  harder job trying to synthesize any energy from this dead shit inside then if  you fed me nothing at all. So the body manifests this in a variety of ways,  arthritis, cancer, infection or in old mates case a rock solid ball of what can  only be described as petrified shit that blocked his lower bowel. I kid you not  when the doctors pulled the damn thing out it crumbled like a fallen  asteroid!

Now that is what I heard and I have no trouble believing it because it makes sense, it’s a basic blockage and the dude the next week was apparently drinking water and eating veggies like his life depended on it, because guess what, it does. His lower half was black and blue and I’m sure he still wakes up in the middle of the night with the image of himself jolting back and forth with every slam of that rock chisel.

When you think about it a lot of people are cranky due to just the simple things, flu, headache, lack of energy and like I said at the start, constipation. The rule I go by is that if you don’t go at least once a day you should do something about it. It has nothing to do with how your specific body works, “oh that’s how it works for me.” Nah not buying it, you eat everyday so you should crap every day. It’s not a 3:1 ratio of days eating to days crapping. It should be a 1:1 ratio. You see it in people now; they even made a joke of it in the film Knocked Up;

Pete: So what do you think? Should we have sex tonight?

Debbie: Ugh… sounds awful… I’m just really constipated. Do you really want to?

Pete: Well, now!

So there it is, from the basic roll up to an intestinal blockage, it’s pretty simple that this planet is providing the food already, we’re just getting bamboozled by the packaging and the prices. Technically this food is free or was at least hundreds of years ago if it weren’t for genetically modified seeds, which only germinate once.

We just got to look back to go forwards, grow our own foods and rebuild ourselves in the form of what we were intended. Our food is of this planet and nothing on this earth ever grew as a star, a loop, hoop, spiral or in alphabet letters. It came in odd shapes that didn’t always taste awesome but always did its job, it kept us alive.

Once again feel free to comment, God knows I need at least one, it can be anything from abuse, to your own constipation story or your very first roll up experience.