Tag Archive: Astral projection

I have the power!

First up I’ll begin by telling you of a great thing that happened to me a few months back. I’ve been meaning to actually write about it but it sort of escaped me amongst all the ramblings about Auto – Tune, Aliens, and Bill Hicks.

So a few months back I had just finished shooting a viral video with my mate, it’s still in the editing process and we’re also waiting on a sound mix, anyway that night my bed was up against the wall in a spot in the room that it has never occupied before. This was on account of us using my bedroom as the primary shooting location before finishing up at the green screen studio. So that evening I went and had a couple of beers with mates and watched the footy at the local before going back home and sleeping it off. Nothing like a sleep knowing that you haven’t got work the next day…actually I have one of those tonight after six straight days of the freezer box.

Now what made this night sleep different from all the others is that at those times when I usually begin to feel like I’m crossing over – wait! If you’re new to this blog you probably have no idea what I’m on about.

Okay read this first – http://damascusvanmartins.com/2010/06/01/why-am-i-astral-projecting/

All right now we’re ready to proceed, like I was saying most nights in a sort of bi monthly fashion I get this sensation of total vibration right before the point I fall asleep. Essentially it’s an intense pulling feeling like my body or at least my soul is being pulled out, it’s not scary just bizarre, it’s very intense in the way a vibration is when you would be working out on a vibrogym.

In the last four years since my first experience with this sensation the overwhelming desire has been to fight it solely because I just want to get some sleep. Yet for some reason I finally gave in and like Robert Monroe said when it happened to him, “If it kills me it kills me.” Well I’m here writing this and obviously nothing has happened…not yet anyway. Funnily enough the sensation has only ever come back once and I’ve let it pass through me again but have experienced no other sensations or results such as the documented OBE’s that apparently follow it.

Hey maybe it may happen tonight, like chicken tonight?

So that’s it, thought I’d share that with you seeing as that I spent a whole blog post on the topic, I see it as very important that we somehow find a way as a species to travel to other plains because I believe that’s where a lot of the answers lie. Both in the future and also in regards to history. Actually a good bit of advice I heard from a zonked out club owner who had fried his brain to that of the consistency of a burnt frittata was this, “You have to trip.” Damn f –ing strait, that’s where all the good stuff lies.

Well with that bit of news relayed, which I’m sure, is going to interest not one person I can now address the topic, which I had originally planned to open and close with.

The power!

What is the power? Do you have it? Do I have it? What does it look like? Can I get some? Am I talking crap?

For safety’s sake let’s just answer yes to all of the above. What I’m alluding to is the energy that runs through you, your voltage and how it effects your chances of living a full life. I’ve more than likely touched on this before when talking about diet and how food should be viewed as a fuel source and really nothing else. It’s bizarre because I think with the advent of shows such as MasterChef and Ramsay’s kitchen nightmares among others food it getting this almost spiritual like reverence amongst the public. This I have no problem with, my beef lies with the type of food getting the attention. I don’t care how accomplished the chef is who cooked it, it can be Ferran Adria or the guy in Axpe, Spain who just grills everything…Victor Arguinzoniz… I think that’s his name.

These guys and most other Michelin star chefs are talented mother f –ers, no doubt about it. But to be honest to hold such food up on a pedastool when it really isn’t contributing to your life force is the wrong way to go. Actually the only person who is even getting close is Jamie Oliver with his current crusade of trying to get people to eat as sensibly as possible. Now let me back track as I’ve gone off topic a bit.

Don’t get me wrong I would love to eat from the kitchens of those geniuses everyday but I know that what the body requires is something a little simpler, a little more basic and a hell of a lot less touched. What we require are raw foods and their juice and it’s this stuff that perpetuates the life force, the energy, the power that allows humans to operate a sixteen hour day without getting tired, that would create a working digestion system that wouldn’t produce any gas, that would not get cold when the temperature drops below ten degrees Celsius.

I actually sleep with my heater off, my window open and just a pair of boxer shorts in the middle of winter, if your body can’t create it’s own heat then there is something fundamentally wrong with it.

If you notice people who get things done they all have one thing in common, it’s an energy, a never ending supply of movement and kineticism. Their body only goes to sleep because everyone else is and they have nobody to talk to. To be honest I’m writing this at 11:45 at night, and if it weren’t this it would have been a screenplay. I’ve had work, been to the gym and cooked dinner and the only reason I’m going to go to bed is because I want to leave some stuff to do for my day off tomorrow. I’ve been up since 7am and right now all my friends and even the people in my house are asleep or have been for at least the past hour or so.
How do I explain it? Simple the life force that flows within me is getting fed, getting fed the right sustenance that allows it to keep burning without hitting a hurdle – a massive steak, a hambuger, a mountain of pasta, a slab of desert after dinner, these are all hurdles to your body maintaining a proper working life force.

I am no different to anyone else, actually I’m dumber, slower and uglier than the average guy but I have enough foresight to realize that if I want to burn rings around everyone else in terms of productivity and getting things achieved, well I better give myself he best advantage possible.
Seriously I’m not f – ing tired and most people who do my job during the day go home and sleep! So think about it, a person like you reading this, if only you gave your body the chance to work at its optimum efficiency who knows what you could achieve. But if you’re feeding it crap and complaining there are not enough hours in the day because you find yourself asleep by 9:30 then I suggest you take a good look at what’s inside your fridge.

Once again I have gotten on to a topic that has turned into a rant, I’m sorry but the potential in every human being is there but we’re just too f – ing stupid to realize it.

Anyway have a good weekend, I know I will because I have three days off starting Saturday night and I’m going to have a belter – GO CATS!

And please, someone, please comment.

Why am I astral projecting?

Well last week I promised you a ten paragraph diatribe on the new Sex & the City film and what it meant for all of us. Well after the shit canning it’s received during the past week I’m afraid everything I wanted to say has already been said by every film critic wandering this earth. I guess that makes my job easier as those in the know are infinitely more eloquent than I am and have expressed their opinions in ways that are far more entertaining than I’m offering up on this page. Simply find a review, any review on the net that is, and you’ll get a basic idea of the type of backlash this film is receiving.

Having said that I’m going to get straight into the topic at hand before I start getting into the details of the crush I had on Kim Cattrall when the show started. Seriously she would have sex with anything on that show and you honestly thought you had a shot if you met her in the street. I’m sure in person she’s nothing like her screen counterpart Samantha but I was fifteen when the show premiered and at fifteen most guys can get turned on by something as asexual as a ham sandwich.

So for the last three years I’ve been experiencing an incredible sensation when I go to bed; and no it’s not my alone time or anything sexual. For the past three years on and off, a month here, a month there I’ve been experiencing one unbelievable thing – “THE VIBRATION” What it is essentially is an incredible vibrating feeling that encompasses my entire body. I actually remember the first time I felt it because it was on a night I couldn’t get to sleep. I kept flitting between the moment of being awake and the moment of falling asleep. It felt like the hallway between the two states and that hallway was vibrating. It never hurt it was just intense in it’s all encompassing nature. Sometimes a sound would accompany the sensation, something of the ilk of almost a digital noise. Matrix like if you will.

So this came and went and I thought nothing of it, I actually was aware that I was at the cusp of sleep and if you pose that question to most people your answer would never change. Who really knows the exact moment when they fall asleep? I guess technically it just happens. But what scared me was that because I was aware of the transition period now maybe I’ll never get back to sleep again. Well that never became a problem. What did become a problem was that in those early days or early years this sensation would sneak itself into my subconscious and I would have to endure the vibration, sometimes for a week at a time. It wasn’t scary like I said, but just a type of moment I had to endure before I could actually get some decent shut eye.

Well it’s been three years and over the course of that time what’s happened is that I’ve let the vibration take over somewhat. Why? Because of this awesome guy on the left. His name is Robert Monroe and he is considered one of the forefathers of OBE research. Actually I should of used that term as the title of this post because Astral Projection is apparently incorrect and actually refers to the interpretation of a body leaving and traveling along the astral plane. I have not done that yet but have come close…sort of. Anyway as the years passed and vibrations came and went I remember one thing from them more than anything, it was the pulling sensation as if I was being pulled out of my body, and up until right now I’ve been fighting it. Not for any other reason but I just want to go to sleep.

Yet as the weeks and months go by I find myself letting the vibrations linger a little longer and the other night I had my first vibration session for a while, needless to say I let the feeling go for it’s longest period ever but pulled back because I chickened out. Why did I chicken out? Maybe because I am scared, not of the sensation but what’s on the other side. I almost think of this practically in terms of sleep and adequate rest. “How can I charge my batteries for the next day if I’m spending all my nights traveling the planes of existence? I need my damn sleep!” The thing is I don’t really sleep huge amounts and I have a weird amount of energy, it’s not hyper activity just a slow burn that seems to just keep going, it does allow me to get a lot of things done. Anyway whatever, I’m talking shit again.

So back to Robert Monroe. On you tube about a year ago I find a few videos on him talking about his first OBE experiences. And surprise surprise they were like mine. Here is a link – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5OgyF2dyok he starts talking about it at around the five minute mark but watch the whole thing to get a run on. Basically he tells of his vibration experiences and his urge to fight it, until one day the old dude just says F*&# it and lets it consume him. “If it’s going to kill me let it kill me.”

Well guess what, it didn’t do shit. It came like usual, did it’s thing and left within about five minutes. So as time progresses he would feel this sensation whilst lying down and dosing off, he would let it happen, let it pass then get on with the rest of his day. But one time in 1958 something incredible happened. Well I’m not going to spoil it or even insult your intelligence but I’m sure my readership of one person is smart enough to figure it out.

Right now I’m at the point of holding back the pull, it’s urging me upward, outward and forward but the fact still remains I have no idea what to expect, it’s the unknown and the human condition has always been taught to be afraid of that; unfortunately. What is interesting though is when Robert did experience his first OBE he was thinking of something quite pleasant at the time and I think that is a key. You have to be in a state that is conducive to getting you to the next; it has to be a hurdle free oscillation between the two. Personally I know it’s just a matter of time before I let go but I do think this is one of the few things that us as a race need to explore because it just seems so damn obvious it’s an extension of our evolution. If we are spiritual beings having a human experience then of course our spiritual self is going to want to wander at some time or another.

Now let’s delve a little deeper, not too much or we’ll be here for ages and I’ve got a book on Vince Lombardi I want to finish reading, plus Footy Classified is on right now and I want to at least catch a little of it. So here we are vibrations and all and immediately one must think, where does it come from? Well a lot of the theories point to the pineal gland. An endocrine gland that produces serotonin, which surprise surprise modulates wake/sleep patterns. So after all of this it turns out it’s just my pineal gland is on the fritz! Of course why didn’t I think of that earlier? Although if you do your research you’ll see that the gland is held in great reverence by many cultures and even by scholars who see it as the seat of the soul. Maybe that’s why it’s the only thing in the brain that’s not doubled. Maybe because it receives everything we ingest and then processes it and spits it out. Maybe that’s the reason why it’s given the Captain Kirk style commander chair in our brain. Personally I think it has a lot to do with everything and our lack of exploration of the said gland is to our own detriment.

So that may be the origin of the vibration but who’s to say these are not just lucid dreams. Well I can say for sure because about a month ago I had an experience that proves to me this is real and that it’s a stage in our spiritual development that could teach us so much. Actually I had two experiences, one was super beneficial, the other weird. I’ll start with the weird. Like I said about a month ago I went to bed and did my thing that is sleep. What was bizarre was that I didn’t have my vibration but experienced something that you may call the result of it.

I had an OBE, literally one night I found myself floating above my body yet something was a little off. It was like I hadn’t fully awoken myself to the possibility and my body mind or spirit was only giving me a taste. I was floating but my head was still attached. Not like the picture at the top that depicts a massively boobed woman who seems to have a bedroom in the middle of a Boris Vallejo painting but instead the diagram on the left. It was like my spiritual self was doing a hand stand over my physical self still lying in the bed. Although I wasn’t using my hands I was just floating, to quote spook from Top Cat “Hey look TC, huh no hands.” I love that cartoon.

The second time something of an alternate strata occurred it actually served a purpose. A while back I received an email from the assistant of a massive Hollywood producer. Long story short they had received my query letter in the mail, watched my teaser online and requested my script to read. Now when I say massive I mean huge like big A list stuff. And me being desperate after all this time trying to get this bastard of a project off the ground almost then and there send the script sight unseen. Yet the wording of the email stopped me almost immediately, it didn’t sit right and it made me feel something inside. I don’t get gut feelings often but when I do and ignore them, I regret it. They are always right! So this time I decide to listen and that night I decide to sleep. What happened next was a dream that went no longer than a few minutes from 10: 45 – 10 : 47. I mean people were still downstairs watching TV so it wasn’t anything epic. What I dreamt though was an incredibly clear image of this female assistant and her boss reading my scrip together and taking stealing bits and pieces from it. Almost like it was a mail order catalogue.

I woke up almost instantly and knew the best thing to do was to never contact her again. No matter how desperate I get, and how long it takes I’m not going to contact her because I believe in this sign so adamantly.

So that’s it I guess, my teeth are killing me because my wisdoms are coming through, lucky I’ve only got my bottom ones. Yet the question that is always asked when I tell people this and yes I do get a lot of pointing and laughing but I’m used to it. The question is, is it a lucid dream or are you really, and I mean really experiencing the precursor signs to your standard OBE?

So if you know please comment. If you’ve had the same or are experiencing the same, again please comment. Would be great to get some writings on the board. And better yet if you’ve actually visited or know someone who’s visited the Monroe institute please write in.