Man, how many f-ing blog posts do we have to read detailing and questioning the existence of God – 12,456 to be exact, I checked. But seriously I thought I’d give it a shot because you’re just not a blogger if you don’t write some post about the coming of existence and so on and so forth.

Before we go into that I’m going to talk about the AFL Grand Final, for those of you who don’t live in Australia the easiest way I can sum it up is as follows. It’s like Australia’s version of the Super Bowl, a yearly championship deciding the best team for the season. Now unlike every other sport in the world when the AFL Grand Final ends in a draw, the game has to be played again the next week, I kid you not! No overtime, no extra time, no golden goal, no silver goal, no penalty shootout. Just another game, literally called Grand Final number 2. What’s so incredible about the event is that it’s only occurred three times in the games 150 year history. What makes it even more incredible  (double incredible) is that we get to do Grand Final week all over again, not to mention the day itself, which essentially runs into the night as the city of Melbourne just becomes one big party. You start off with a drink in the morning, watch all the pre game analysis, go to a barbeque in the afternoon to watch the match, hopefully at a place close to the MCG where the game is played, and then finally kick off into the night to keep your buzz going.

If you want to know how big this event is I’ll give you this little tid-bit, it’s currently the most attended sporting club championship in the world.

Okay it’s now understood that I love my city, what I don’t understand is why the Roman Catholic church choose to station their headquarters in a giant gold plated building. Wait a minute is it really gold plated? Well I’ve been there, walked around, had to wear pants to get inside as they do not allow shorts and I can honestly say yes, there is a lot of gold littered within the building, not of the level of Chester J Lampwick but still it’s there.

I think the easiest way to approach this argument is to break down the idea of Christianity, what the building represents and why it looks the way it does. First up if you are like me and went to a Jesuit school you were most likely force fed the bible and at least some of it’s messages and stories over your eight to ten year tenure. One thing you realize quite early on is that what Jesus represents is a voice of reason and humility in a time of great chaos. He walks with no shoes, he lives the life of a carpenter, quite possibly the most grounded vocation in the world. Literally he is working with his hands with something that is of this earth – wood. But if we skip forward to the present day the pinnacle symbol of this religion now is the Vatican.

The Vatican represents or at least to the people who live and worship there, the greatest physical and spiritual symbol of what Christianity is today. Yet I still don’t understand the rational. Why on earth are the gentlemen most studied in everything that is God and the bible and its teachings living like someone Jesus preached against back in his day. To me it seems like the most glaring act of hypocrisy you could commit. Just say one of the higher up Cardinals holds a service, he begins his readings and then gets to the Homily gas bagging about how Jesus was such a humble dude, how he needn’t nothing of the material world because he was so in tune with the holy spirit and the fire that burns within each man. He would hang with the sick and the poor and his only form of labour was the work he did with his hands, he didn’t judge but based every human on their own merits knowing full well that every human is remain just that – a human.

Now why on earth should I listen to the badly disguised teachings of a Cardinal, whose fraternity doesn’t practice what they preach? If he and his brethren are so in tune with the holy spirit, why is their headquarters one of the most lavish palaces in the world? Why is he holding a scepter with a cross on it covered in gold leaf and diamonds? Why is he dressed in whiter than white robes with gold stitching and why oh f-ing why should I donate to him when he blatantly denies the child abuse problem that is rife within the church.

I think somewhere along the way things got seriously mixed up, in terms of the message, Jesus’ true identity, what actually happened and what that means for us today. Let’s dig a little deeper and see if we can find some coherence in my ramblings.

1)    Our knowledge of God/Jesus is only what we’ve been told by these guys and the bible. To be honest do you really think we’re getting the whole story from the padres? Hell no! To be honest I don’t even think they know the whole story, you know why? Because it f –ing happened over 2000 years ago and I can be pretty sure that records back then were sketchy at best. Yet we’re suppose to believe that these guys have all the answers, even though it’s evident some of the biggest secrets of our time are being held in that palace of theirs.

2)    Was his name really Jesus? It goes back to the first question. For me I believe in a God, I believe he has power over this planet, it’s people and the universe in general. But I don’t believe he had the name Jesus and I don’t believe Christianity today is what he indented back then. Who knows? It may not even been called Christianity? But we’re being told it was by six different accounts, written six different ways by people who weren’t even there.

3)    If the message is wrong then really what is left is just one man, or being or entity or spiritual consciousness that believed in the evolution of man into something that could progress beyond our primitive means into something spiritually fulfilling.

My idea of God is honestly this, maybe without the suit.

Something bordering on formlessness, something that has the power but only takes on a form because it’s the sole way us humans can ingest him.  By the way the picture is from a graphic novel called Last Man Standing which is yet to be released but looks like it’s going to be a pearler.

There is a power out there, no doubt, there are just way too many mysteries to life that can be concluded as coincidence. Yet the irony of the message was that “the power” was not the answer, or the message at all.  But it’s exactly this exalted position that priests and popes and clergyman use to send out their message to the masses.

The power of his rhetoric, if the bible is at all real or true was of someone who really had ultimate power but refused to use it because there in lied the ultimate test of his said power.

It’s hard to explain and I’m definitely not smart enough to articulate it within the confines of a blog post but I just feel that as time passes the message gets more skewed, the fraternity gets more corrupt, the power becomes absolute and actions become non existent.

God or Jim or Tony or Valerie is a consciousness that keeps this universe in harmony, it’s so beyond you me or a pope that it’s almost an insult to try an explain it via a few simple rules that we think he may or may have not spoken to some people who may or may have not been there and then materialize it into a palace that represents his message when clearly it does not.

Yes I’m aware of the irony of me trying to explain God or at least some of him in a blog post.

Come to think of it, this topic really came about when a few years ago I saw a psychic, she told me that I have to talk to God again. Although she didn’t believe in him she said I had to open up the dialogue channels once more. So I did, and I still do, but like I’ve been saying, I’m definitely not doing it the Christian way.

Well that’s me, call me crazy, actually someone already did.

Leave a message or don’t but I am now aware that peoples are actually reading this so soon enough I’m bound to find the person I piss off enough into a written response.

Till next time.