Well as promised, here is my post about Sergeant Clifford Stone. Although the more I think about it the post will most likely cover more ground in terms of our place and the likely hood of other life.

Lately and when I say lately I mean the last five years or so I’ve noticed a slow infiltration of the UFO/Alien agenda creeping into our media outlets. If it isn’t the news, it’s Larry King, if it isn’t CNN, it’s NBC and if not that the Huffington Post, the LA Times and the list goes on and on. Personally I think this is being done on purpose for the sole reason of conditioning the human race for such a time that when we are hit with the news it will seem like nothing more than the birth of a new rare Panda at the zoo. Honestly if you think about it if you heard or better yet were told by the Media/Government that we are not alone what would you do? If it wasn’t in the form of a visit or an invasion but just a basic press conference what would you do?

You would do nothing, you couldn’t do nothing, the mortgage, the rent, school fees, uni fees, soccer practice, anniversaries, that wart that has to be lanced or else there is no chance you are getting a second date with that girl because when she sees it she’s going to be totally grossed out. All these trivialities of life will still keep you from really understanding the truth and I think the government are aware of this. Their rational at the moment I think is this, “Fine you now know we’re not alone, doesn’t change a thing, you still have to pay your taxes, you still have to go to your kids Christmas recital. All you know is that we are not alone, we still know the rest and we’ll keep it that way.”

So to be frank I think the government don’t care about us knowing or believing that we are not alone because it doesn’t actually change a thing. Yet at the same time this is unfortunate because according to Dan Aykoyd, who is one of the biggest UFO believers living today there is a litany of technology in regards to zero point energy, anti gravity differentials and all other types of Black Ops tech that could save this planet and it’s people the heartache. It’s funny because I believe that our spiritual evolution as a race coincides with our technological evolution, Clifford Stone mentions this in great detail in his interviews and I’ll get to it later.

But if you are looking for a celebrity talking about this planets evolution into something greater go on the net and check out Alan Alda, I don’t know if it’s on youtube or not but he does mention that this race is on the verge of moving forward if only we just opened our eyes. Anyway I’m digressing a bit so let’s get back to the good stuff.

Now I mentioned the word Black Ops, this also could be called SAP’s (Special Access Programs) Actually I think a Black Op is what you call it before it becomes an SAP. Nonetheless when you weigh up the sheer numbers of these SAP’s, the amount of sightings that happen daily and the amount of people coming forward who had access to these programs you start to realize that you are more likely crazy for not believing in other forms of life. It would be more a statistical anomaly for nothing to exist than to have something otherworldly out there.

Now this is where our friend Sergeant Clifford Stone comes in, a man who apparently worked within one of the 300 SAP’s that are listed in a book that belongs to the Pentagon. Little thing about those programs apparently no one knows exactly what’s going on, because there are so many people they are only aware of what they are told, it’s a need to know basis. That fact alone I find incredible, they haven’t an oversight committee because there is just too much black op coercion going on for them to even fathom.

So Cliff Stone, said to be one of the few people in the world who can and was used by the military to act as a medium between alien and man. Recruited and tracked as a little kid by the military I think he was destined from the start to play a big part in this. He was also used as part of a reconnaissance team to retrieve crashed UFO’s.  Whenever you watch an interview with this guy it’s amazing to see how little he actually divulges in terms of sensational rhetoric. He usually ends a lot of questions with I have no idea about that or I wasn’t given access to that information. Unlike a lot of his UFO whistle blower brethren he doesn’t claim to know everything and states many times that anyone who does, or anyone who claims to have all the answers is lying. His demeanor is calm, and at times during interviews he almost breaks down. I’m guessing, and this is only a guess, it’s due to the intense feeling he gets when recalling these stories. As a lot of the time he will say, you feel what they feel.

The thing that strikes me the most about Cliff is the direction he goes with his evidence, he talks in terms of our spiritual evolution and how that is closely intertwined with our technological evolution. Basically he’s saying we can’t possibly take control of the technology available because we haven’t shown the maturity and compassion as a race to use it for anything other than weapons defense system. He claims that the extra terrestrials would rather let themselves die in a situation if it meant we lived. Now for me it’s the fact that he has quite a large number or corroborators, he actually went about gaining classified documents the hard way by writing to congress and he doesn’t seem to have a huge amount of detractors.

I think a lot of his argument is based on the human race having a right to know what’s out there, as anything that does come to this planet and presents itself will affect us whether we like it or not. But I’m of the thought that if they came here and offered to show us the truth to life and the secret to evolution they would leave immediately. They would see MTV, they would see reality TV, they would see crap that we consider important like Brad Pitt shaving off his beard and they would depart with one statement.

“You are not ready.”

They’re right whether they exist or not we aren’t ready for the higher consciousness, we’re too selfish, we don’t have compassion for the guy/girl next to us and our only sense of accomplishment seems to be the comparative size of ones army to the other guys.

Clifford Stone says that there are malevolent beings out there that we have made a deal with, he goes into great detail about this and if you want to read or listen about it just type his name into youtube, you’ll be spoiled for choice.


He also states that there are benevolent beings out there, but because we are such a liability to the universe and to each other they choose to observe us for there own safety.

And to be honest I don’t blame them, we are the kids of the universe and we are in intergalactic quarantine and until we realize that we will be forever doomed to repeating the mistakes of the past.

I guess it goes back to my post on Bill Hicks last week.

It’s all about evolution, but who on earth wants to evolve when the ride we’ve been offered feels so real.